Ok, I can't do this blog anymore. I've realized that instead of working on having a healthy, God honoring relationship with food I've just boxed myself in with rules that make me feel safe but don't actually foster an environment for improving my relationship with food.
I'm not giving up on the W30. In fact, instead of saying "I'm on round 2" I'm just going to call it...I aim to live a Whole30 lifestyle. Indefinitely. But that means that I can't follow it 100% of the time. I can't be afraid to have lunch with friends because worry consumes me...did they cook that with butter? Is there something in here I can't have? Do I just eat before I meet up with them and get a side salad with no dressing?
I just can't live like that. It's not healthy for me to be constantly wrought with fear, anxiety and worry over my meals. I just can't do it.
The only way I can improve my relationship with food is if I rely on God instead of hiding behind rules. Eventually, I'll only be doing it so I don't "break the streak" or because following the rules is where I feel safe.
So, I'm not giving up this blog completely. I want to somehow make a hybrid of this and my other blog. So food and exercise are just a part of life instead of being separate or simply taking over all of my life.
My goal is to have all this figured out in a few weeks but there are no guarantees. I might post sporadically. I might post everyday. I might not.
I will at some point make a recipe index with all my recipes. Be patient.
I want to thank all of you for reading, encouraging, supporting and challenging me the past month and a half. I really, truly appreciate it.
This isn't goodbye, it's just until next time...
Bloated to Bombshell: Linsey's Whole30 Adventure
A food addicts journey to honor God through healthy eating.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
R2 Day 6
Today was a good day. Ate well, worked out. Feel great.
That's all I've got for you today.
Back to full post tomorrow.
That's all I've got for you today.
Back to full post tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
R2 Day 5
Slept like a baby but still not feeling 100%. And, weatherman says it's going to be 80 today...gonna make it hard to put in some time with Shaun T when all I wanna do is head outside for a run...we'll see.
Well, nothing sounds good still. I don't know what the deal is. I mean, every now and again I go through this phase...I'm not super hungry and nothing sounds good so I don't really eat much. Usually lasts a few days then I go back to wanting to eat everything all the time. I'm just worried about it now since I'm trying really hard to be disciplined and stick to the W30 and Insanity workouts...hard to do such high intensity training when you aren't really eating...ugh.
Breakfast: Decided on scrambled eggs. About the only thing that didn't make me wanna gag when I looked in the fridge. Also grabbed a veggie pouch in case I get hungry before I get back home from dropping the girls and going to the chiro.
Workout: Still feeling crappy so I opted out of the workout today...deciding that just doing it because I don't want to break the routine isn't a good enough reason to do something. Especially when my body is telling me I need a rest.
Snacking: I know breakfast wasn't enough but I just can't stomach eating real food so egg salad and banana/blackberry salad it is. At least its some protein. Will work on veggies next.
Lunch: Laid out at the park for a few hours and it felt amazing. It must have made me feel better too because I'm actually hungry for food! A salad of mixed greens and spinach with peppers, onion, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado and some of the mini-meatloaves I made last month. Thawed them and popped them in a pan to heat and tossed them on top of the salad. Delicious!
Snacking: An apple and almond butter while walking the dog as the girls played at the park.
Dinner: A chicken breast with a side of sweet potatoes and green beans. Yum. Real food is good, even if you have to chew it! Maybe I'll be ready for a full day of food tomorrow!
Had a great conversation with a dear friend tonight which helped me realize that I'm such a rule-follower that sometimes I do things simply for the sake of crossing them off the list or just not breaking a rule. I can't live my life like this. I need to realize that any particular food isn't a sin, but that my attitude towards it or reaction to it is the problem. I've become so scared of not being on the W30 because I can't trust myself that I prefer to live within the rules W30 gives. Though this is healthy in terms of physical health, it's not really teaching me reliance on God or to turn to him in times of struggle-it's simply removing all struggle/temptation from my life. Where's the balance?!?!
The book I told you about the other day "Love to Eat Hate to Eat" just arrived today from Amazon and I'm really looking forward to reading it...I'll let you know how its going!
Well, nothing sounds good still. I don't know what the deal is. I mean, every now and again I go through this phase...I'm not super hungry and nothing sounds good so I don't really eat much. Usually lasts a few days then I go back to wanting to eat everything all the time. I'm just worried about it now since I'm trying really hard to be disciplined and stick to the W30 and Insanity workouts...hard to do such high intensity training when you aren't really eating...ugh.
Breakfast: Decided on scrambled eggs. About the only thing that didn't make me wanna gag when I looked in the fridge. Also grabbed a veggie pouch in case I get hungry before I get back home from dropping the girls and going to the chiro.
Workout: Still feeling crappy so I opted out of the workout today...deciding that just doing it because I don't want to break the routine isn't a good enough reason to do something. Especially when my body is telling me I need a rest.
Snacking: I know breakfast wasn't enough but I just can't stomach eating real food so egg salad and banana/blackberry salad it is. At least its some protein. Will work on veggies next.
Lunch: Laid out at the park for a few hours and it felt amazing. It must have made me feel better too because I'm actually hungry for food! A salad of mixed greens and spinach with peppers, onion, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado and some of the mini-meatloaves I made last month. Thawed them and popped them in a pan to heat and tossed them on top of the salad. Delicious!
Snacking: An apple and almond butter while walking the dog as the girls played at the park.
Dinner: A chicken breast with a side of sweet potatoes and green beans. Yum. Real food is good, even if you have to chew it! Maybe I'll be ready for a full day of food tomorrow!
Had a great conversation with a dear friend tonight which helped me realize that I'm such a rule-follower that sometimes I do things simply for the sake of crossing them off the list or just not breaking a rule. I can't live my life like this. I need to realize that any particular food isn't a sin, but that my attitude towards it or reaction to it is the problem. I've become so scared of not being on the W30 because I can't trust myself that I prefer to live within the rules W30 gives. Though this is healthy in terms of physical health, it's not really teaching me reliance on God or to turn to him in times of struggle-it's simply removing all struggle/temptation from my life. Where's the balance?!?!
The book I told you about the other day "Love to Eat Hate to Eat" just arrived today from Amazon and I'm really looking forward to reading it...I'll let you know how its going!
Monday, May 13, 2013
R2 Day 4
I am still not feeling well. But I'm determined to get in an Insanity workout today. Must. Get. Back. On. Schedule.
Breakfast: Sweet potato hash and two eggs. It's so much better eating at home instead of rushing through the meal in the last few minutes before the girls and I head out the door to school. Though it means I do have to actually get up and get going instead of resetting the alarm for a half hour later.
Pre-workout Meal: I am just not feeling all that great. Nothing sounds good to eat. I found this at Whole Foods and thought I'd give it a try. Chewing doesn't at all seem appealing right now so had a few sips on my way home.
Workout: Insanity Max Cardio...seriously intense. I did the whole video but I had to take lots of breaks-more than usual. My legs felt so fatigued and I was overheating really easily...clearly under the weather.
PWM: Two small slices of frittata topped with fresh tomatoes and a few pepper slices on the side. I also sipped on the green juice.
Lunch/Snack: I don't know what to call this. It's clearly not a meal. But since I'm sicky this is all that sounded good. A chopped banana and blackberries with pecan/coconut mixture. With a few more sips of the green juice.
Lunch/Snack: I took a nap. A long and wonderful nap that was really hard to wake up from. I thought I'd be hungry for a meal. But nope, chewing still seems terrible. All I could come up with was a green smoothie. I figured its better than nothing. Better than more fruit. Better than forcing myself to gag something down. Lots of kale, a little mango, pear, cucumber, mint, ginger, ice and a clementine.
Dinner: Made the girls parm topped salmon and creamy pesto ravioli. Made myself lemon salmon, and asparagus (the girls had broccoli) and a few fresh veggies because I realized I didn't have enough on my plate. I planned on having some sweet potatoes my boss made over the weekend because she said they were W30 compliant but then one of the girls said they had milk...no that was a no-go. Bummer.
I'm just not really sure about this whole being sick thing. I'm not really sick. Like, I can still work. Who am I kidding...I go to work even when I shouldn't. But I'm clearly not 100% either. I want to give myself time to rest and recover but I don't want to give up on Shaun T. And I definitely don't want to give up on W30...that would just be stupid. But nothing sounds good. I only want things I can drink and I know that's not healthy. Also, French Toast doesn't sound terrible either. But that obviously isn't on the plan.
How do I balance getting better and staying on the plan?
Ugh...if I knew how to balance anything I probably wouldn't have needed to be on W30 to begin with!
Alright, as promised...the Paleo Pancake secrets:
1. In a blender, combine 2 eggs and 1.5 bananas, a dash of salt and cinnamon to taste. Blend until completely liquified and bubbly (this incorporates air into the mixture and whips the eggs so the pancakes will be fluffier)
2. Heat a non-stick pan over low heat and using a paper towel wipe a tiny bit of coconut oil over the pan. This small amount of oil will prevent the pancakes from sticking but if you use too much they'll be soggy and hard to flip.
3. Pour a small amount of batter into pan...I usually do silver-dollar size and fit 3-4 in my pan.
4. BE PATIENT! Wait a few minutes. Don't attempt to flip immediately or even shortly after pouring into pan.
5. When bottoms of pancakes are golden brown, go ahead and flip them, but be aggressive...if you go slowly or too gently, they'll pull apart. I sometimes wipe some coconut oil on the flipper as well to help things along.
6. Allow to cook to a golden brown and remove from heat (if you aren't eating them immediately you can keep them in oven directly on oven rack at 200 while you finish cooking the rest of the batter)
7. Enjoy (I top mine with any kind of fruit and my toasted pecan/coconut mixture)
And...the Top 10 Things I've Learned/ From Whole30
10. I really like vegetables...of all kinds. Just a few years ago I thought I hated all vegetables. I was wrong.
9. Cooking isn't as big a pain as I thought. I actually enjoy it.
8. I can actually survive without chocolate. I mean, I didn't think it was possible.
7. Carbs=bloating
6. I'm an organic produce and pasture raised meat convert...never saw that coming.
5. Accountability is key. Thank you to everyone who has challenged, supported and encouraged me.
4. Even though I'm healthy by my doctor's estimation doesn't mean my body is functioning as well as it can be.
3. I eat too much, too quickly. I'm so amazed at how little can make me full when I slow down.
2. I actually do care a lot about my health and it's not just all about physical appearance.
and the #1 thing I've learned from W30 is...
1. After years of never seeing any type of eating plan or workout routine through from start to finish, I have regained confidence in my ability to be disciplined (all credit to Jesus...this is clearly not from my own strength)
Breakfast: Sweet potato hash and two eggs. It's so much better eating at home instead of rushing through the meal in the last few minutes before the girls and I head out the door to school. Though it means I do have to actually get up and get going instead of resetting the alarm for a half hour later.
Pre-workout Meal: I am just not feeling all that great. Nothing sounds good to eat. I found this at Whole Foods and thought I'd give it a try. Chewing doesn't at all seem appealing right now so had a few sips on my way home.
Workout: Insanity Max Cardio...seriously intense. I did the whole video but I had to take lots of breaks-more than usual. My legs felt so fatigued and I was overheating really easily...clearly under the weather.
PWM: Two small slices of frittata topped with fresh tomatoes and a few pepper slices on the side. I also sipped on the green juice.
Lunch/Snack: I don't know what to call this. It's clearly not a meal. But since I'm sicky this is all that sounded good. A chopped banana and blackberries with pecan/coconut mixture. With a few more sips of the green juice.
Lunch/Snack: I took a nap. A long and wonderful nap that was really hard to wake up from. I thought I'd be hungry for a meal. But nope, chewing still seems terrible. All I could come up with was a green smoothie. I figured its better than nothing. Better than more fruit. Better than forcing myself to gag something down. Lots of kale, a little mango, pear, cucumber, mint, ginger, ice and a clementine.
Dinner: Made the girls parm topped salmon and creamy pesto ravioli. Made myself lemon salmon, and asparagus (the girls had broccoli) and a few fresh veggies because I realized I didn't have enough on my plate. I planned on having some sweet potatoes my boss made over the weekend because she said they were W30 compliant but then one of the girls said they had milk...no that was a no-go. Bummer.
I'm just not really sure about this whole being sick thing. I'm not really sick. Like, I can still work. Who am I kidding...I go to work even when I shouldn't. But I'm clearly not 100% either. I want to give myself time to rest and recover but I don't want to give up on Shaun T. And I definitely don't want to give up on W30...that would just be stupid. But nothing sounds good. I only want things I can drink and I know that's not healthy. Also, French Toast doesn't sound terrible either. But that obviously isn't on the plan.
How do I balance getting better and staying on the plan?
Ugh...if I knew how to balance anything I probably wouldn't have needed to be on W30 to begin with!
Alright, as promised...the Paleo Pancake secrets:
1. In a blender, combine 2 eggs and 1.5 bananas, a dash of salt and cinnamon to taste. Blend until completely liquified and bubbly (this incorporates air into the mixture and whips the eggs so the pancakes will be fluffier)
2. Heat a non-stick pan over low heat and using a paper towel wipe a tiny bit of coconut oil over the pan. This small amount of oil will prevent the pancakes from sticking but if you use too much they'll be soggy and hard to flip.
3. Pour a small amount of batter into pan...I usually do silver-dollar size and fit 3-4 in my pan.
4. BE PATIENT! Wait a few minutes. Don't attempt to flip immediately or even shortly after pouring into pan.
5. When bottoms of pancakes are golden brown, go ahead and flip them, but be aggressive...if you go slowly or too gently, they'll pull apart. I sometimes wipe some coconut oil on the flipper as well to help things along.
6. Allow to cook to a golden brown and remove from heat (if you aren't eating them immediately you can keep them in oven directly on oven rack at 200 while you finish cooking the rest of the batter)
7. Enjoy (I top mine with any kind of fruit and my toasted pecan/coconut mixture)
And...the Top 10 Things I've Learned/ From Whole30
10. I really like vegetables...of all kinds. Just a few years ago I thought I hated all vegetables. I was wrong.
9. Cooking isn't as big a pain as I thought. I actually enjoy it.
8. I can actually survive without chocolate. I mean, I didn't think it was possible.
7. Carbs=bloating
6. I'm an organic produce and pasture raised meat convert...never saw that coming.
5. Accountability is key. Thank you to everyone who has challenged, supported and encouraged me.
4. Even though I'm healthy by my doctor's estimation doesn't mean my body is functioning as well as it can be.
3. I eat too much, too quickly. I'm so amazed at how little can make me full when I slow down.
2. I actually do care a lot about my health and it's not just all about physical appearance.
and the #1 thing I've learned from W30 is...
1. After years of never seeing any type of eating plan or workout routine through from start to finish, I have regained confidence in my ability to be disciplined (all credit to Jesus...this is clearly not from my own strength)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
R2 Day 3
Sundays are always hard days for me eating wise. I'm up and going for church, have babysitting in the afternoon...just pretty much hungry all day. We'll see how it goes.
Breakfast: A hodgepodge meal of leftover pancakes from yesterday, topped with banana and my pecan/coconut mixture. Sliced cucumbers and two hard boiled eggs. I needed something quick because I was running late due to my decision to straighten the hair this am. I was flat-ironing and eating simultaneously.
Pre-Workout Meal: Not feeling great today-still fighting the cold or whatever it is I have. Doing the Max Recovery video but need some food beforehand. Some sliced chicken sausage with a little spinach should do the trick.
Workout: Ok, I gave it my best shot, I really did. I made it 15 minutes before I realized it just wasn't going to happen. I decided to make nice with my foam roller and stretch/roll instead. Made it about 10 minutes doing that when I got a text asking if I was available to FaceTime with my Arkansas boys and you can bet your life I wasn't going to turn that down!
Lunch: Well, this was going to be my PWM but since I never worked out, I'll make it my lunch instead. A bit of sweet potato hash topped with 2 eggs. Then, a nap!
Snacking: I took an amazing nap, feeling some better now. Then made a giant batch of sweet potato hash and a massive frittata for the week. Headed off to babysit-aplooza and I'm hungry. Going to have some carrot lemonade and kale chips I made while I was getting ready to leave.
Dinner: Salmon (garlic and dill from Whole Foods) over a salad of mixed greens, peppers, onion, cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes and half an avocado. With a side of sweet potato thins. Yum.
I've been asked a few times about the smoothie thing. Are they bad for you? Why am I limiting them? What's the deal. Well, here it is:
Its easier to consume liquids than solids. You can drink a blender full of fruits and veggies but you'd never be able to eat all that produce in its whole form.
Your body doesn't respond to liquid calories in the same way it does to solid calories. Basically, you can drink an entire smoothie but you won't feel as satisfied or stay full as long as if you'd eaten those same fruits/veggies the good ol' fashioned way...by chewing. Your body doesn't send the same hormones in the same amounts when you ingest liquids as it does solids.
There is A LOT of sugar in smoothies. Even green smoothies. Whole30 is about eliminating our cravings and dependance on sugar. Even natural sugars found in fruit.
No, a smoothie made with only fruits and veggies isn't bad for you. It's just not part of the W30 plan for the 3 reasons I listed above. I've found that I'm ok with adding a green smoothie every once in a while as long as I maintain at least a 70/30 balance of veggies to fruits and am not using it as a "snack" but as part of a meal...with protein and all. Otherwise I'll use it for my sugar-fix every afternoon.
Legumes...why can't I eat hummus on my veggies or a little pb with my apple? Simple. You can. Unless you want to follow the Whole30 in it's entirety. You can do whatever "healthy eating" plan you want! I'm all for that. But just know it's no longer the Whole30. The point of W30 is to eliminate the negative responses our bodies have from foods that they were never meant to digest. To remove sugar and other ingredients that cause our bodies to play tricks on us by mixing up signals and over or under producing hormones. Then, at the end, to see the changes in physical appearance, but more importantly how you feel, and if you wish to slowly introduce some of the "banned" foods to see how your body reacts.
Is hummus bad for you? No. Unless you have difficulty processing legumes. Or if you over-consume and your body's signals get mixed up.
Eat hummus. You're just no longer on the Whole30. And guess what? That's ok!
Tomorrow...my paleo pancake secrets and the top 10 things I've learned or been surprised by during W30.
Breakfast: A hodgepodge meal of leftover pancakes from yesterday, topped with banana and my pecan/coconut mixture. Sliced cucumbers and two hard boiled eggs. I needed something quick because I was running late due to my decision to straighten the hair this am. I was flat-ironing and eating simultaneously.
Pre-Workout Meal: Not feeling great today-still fighting the cold or whatever it is I have. Doing the Max Recovery video but need some food beforehand. Some sliced chicken sausage with a little spinach should do the trick.
Workout: Ok, I gave it my best shot, I really did. I made it 15 minutes before I realized it just wasn't going to happen. I decided to make nice with my foam roller and stretch/roll instead. Made it about 10 minutes doing that when I got a text asking if I was available to FaceTime with my Arkansas boys and you can bet your life I wasn't going to turn that down!
Lunch: Well, this was going to be my PWM but since I never worked out, I'll make it my lunch instead. A bit of sweet potato hash topped with 2 eggs. Then, a nap!
Snacking: I took an amazing nap, feeling some better now. Then made a giant batch of sweet potato hash and a massive frittata for the week. Headed off to babysit-aplooza and I'm hungry. Going to have some carrot lemonade and kale chips I made while I was getting ready to leave.
Dinner: Salmon (garlic and dill from Whole Foods) over a salad of mixed greens, peppers, onion, cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes and half an avocado. With a side of sweet potato thins. Yum.
I've been asked a few times about the smoothie thing. Are they bad for you? Why am I limiting them? What's the deal. Well, here it is:
Its easier to consume liquids than solids. You can drink a blender full of fruits and veggies but you'd never be able to eat all that produce in its whole form.
Your body doesn't respond to liquid calories in the same way it does to solid calories. Basically, you can drink an entire smoothie but you won't feel as satisfied or stay full as long as if you'd eaten those same fruits/veggies the good ol' fashioned way...by chewing. Your body doesn't send the same hormones in the same amounts when you ingest liquids as it does solids.
There is A LOT of sugar in smoothies. Even green smoothies. Whole30 is about eliminating our cravings and dependance on sugar. Even natural sugars found in fruit.
No, a smoothie made with only fruits and veggies isn't bad for you. It's just not part of the W30 plan for the 3 reasons I listed above. I've found that I'm ok with adding a green smoothie every once in a while as long as I maintain at least a 70/30 balance of veggies to fruits and am not using it as a "snack" but as part of a meal...with protein and all. Otherwise I'll use it for my sugar-fix every afternoon.
Legumes...why can't I eat hummus on my veggies or a little pb with my apple? Simple. You can. Unless you want to follow the Whole30 in it's entirety. You can do whatever "healthy eating" plan you want! I'm all for that. But just know it's no longer the Whole30. The point of W30 is to eliminate the negative responses our bodies have from foods that they were never meant to digest. To remove sugar and other ingredients that cause our bodies to play tricks on us by mixing up signals and over or under producing hormones. Then, at the end, to see the changes in physical appearance, but more importantly how you feel, and if you wish to slowly introduce some of the "banned" foods to see how your body reacts.
Is hummus bad for you? No. Unless you have difficulty processing legumes. Or if you over-consume and your body's signals get mixed up.
Eat hummus. You're just no longer on the Whole30. And guess what? That's ok!
Tomorrow...my paleo pancake secrets and the top 10 things I've learned or been surprised by during W30.
R2 D2
So, Blogger and my computer were not getting along last night. Sorry this post is late. But, better late than never I guess.
And yes, I've been waiting for today (well, yesterday) just so I could make the Star Wars reference...hope you caught it...
Alright, day 2 started with me waking up feeling crummy. Sore throat, headache, plugged ears, the whole bit. I decided to postpone my Insanity workout until later in the day because I've been told I don't do a good job of listening to my body and resting when needed. So, I rested.
Breakfast: Amazing paleo pancakes (I finally figure out all the secrets) topped with part of a banana and coconut/pecan mixture. Two scrambled eggs and a green smoothie. I normally wouldn't have a smoothie for breakfast but it was left over from the batch I made a few days ago and my throat needed something cold to make it feel better. I sipped on the smoothie as the roomie and I ran a few errands so it's not like I chugged it all at once-it was about 10:15 before I was done with it.
Bevvie: Well, I napped instead of facing Shaun T and boy, did it feel great. Still not feeling amazing but definitely an improvement from this morning. It was getting pretty late (approaching 2) so I had a kombucha on the way to lunch.
Lunch: Met Em for lunch at Whole Foods and enjoyed a delicious salad...mixed greens, spinach, broccoli, squash, cucumber, carrot, tomato, peppers, hard boiled eggs, and guac for dressing. Yum!
Dinner: After some shopping with Em it was time to head home and by this point I was starting to feel terrible again. Decided it was probably best to skip the women's dinner I had on the sched and stay home to rest and not infect everyone whit whatever it is I have. Made some salmon (pre seasoned from WF's) asparagus and a little salad of mixed greens, spinach, tomato, broccoli, cucumber, pepper and topped with an avocado half.
Workout: Decided I definitely wasn't up for the Insanity workout but didn't want to skip the day all together so roomie and I did Mari Winsor's Bun and Thigh Sculpting video. This is an old favorite (seriously, I've been doing this video for almost 10 years...) and though it totally works your lower half, you get to lie on the floor the whole time...just what I needed, super low-impact movements that would still work my legs and butt. Done and done.
The eating slowly and focusing on being present during mealtime has really helped me eat less and feel more satisfied. I haven't been tempted to snack even one time. Crazy! I've also decided to quit obsessing about food/exercise and be a "normal" person. No, I'm not throwing W30 to the curb or snapping the Insanity DVD's in two, I just mean instead of analyzing how every single choice is going to impact my weight/mood/health, I'll go through my day knowing that within the boundaries I have set all choices are healthy and I don't need to worry about getting the most for my money/a quick return...in time, it'll all come together. Just breathe and relax...why am I such a nut?!
I've also started becoming more interested in food in a different way. Instead of focusing on what will best satisfy my craving at the moment, I look at it as what will be delicious and nutritious. Part of that is learning what foods provide what nutrients and making sure I have a variety over the course of my day. I found the updated "Dirty Dozen/Clean 15" list as well as this handy little chart about how to best store fresh produce. Very helpful!
And yes, I've been waiting for today (well, yesterday) just so I could make the Star Wars reference...hope you caught it...
Alright, day 2 started with me waking up feeling crummy. Sore throat, headache, plugged ears, the whole bit. I decided to postpone my Insanity workout until later in the day because I've been told I don't do a good job of listening to my body and resting when needed. So, I rested.
Breakfast: Amazing paleo pancakes (I finally figure out all the secrets) topped with part of a banana and coconut/pecan mixture. Two scrambled eggs and a green smoothie. I normally wouldn't have a smoothie for breakfast but it was left over from the batch I made a few days ago and my throat needed something cold to make it feel better. I sipped on the smoothie as the roomie and I ran a few errands so it's not like I chugged it all at once-it was about 10:15 before I was done with it.
Bevvie: Well, I napped instead of facing Shaun T and boy, did it feel great. Still not feeling amazing but definitely an improvement from this morning. It was getting pretty late (approaching 2) so I had a kombucha on the way to lunch.
Lunch: Met Em for lunch at Whole Foods and enjoyed a delicious salad...mixed greens, spinach, broccoli, squash, cucumber, carrot, tomato, peppers, hard boiled eggs, and guac for dressing. Yum!
Dinner: After some shopping with Em it was time to head home and by this point I was starting to feel terrible again. Decided it was probably best to skip the women's dinner I had on the sched and stay home to rest and not infect everyone whit whatever it is I have. Made some salmon (pre seasoned from WF's) asparagus and a little salad of mixed greens, spinach, tomato, broccoli, cucumber, pepper and topped with an avocado half.
The eating slowly and focusing on being present during mealtime has really helped me eat less and feel more satisfied. I haven't been tempted to snack even one time. Crazy! I've also decided to quit obsessing about food/exercise and be a "normal" person. No, I'm not throwing W30 to the curb or snapping the Insanity DVD's in two, I just mean instead of analyzing how every single choice is going to impact my weight/mood/health, I'll go through my day knowing that within the boundaries I have set all choices are healthy and I don't need to worry about getting the most for my money/a quick return...in time, it'll all come together. Just breathe and relax...why am I such a nut?!

Friday, May 10, 2013
R2 Day 1
It's funny that getting up this morning and making a delicious Whole30 breakfast just felt, well...normal. It felt like the first morning after vacation...you had fun but knew it couldn't last forever and you're actually happy to be home. Yes, I just basically said eating W30 feels like home. I'm weird.
Just falling right back into routine. Feels good.
Breakfast: Made sure I had plenty of time for my sweet potato hash and two eggs. It took me 18 minutes to eat...that's gotta be some kind of slow-eating record for me. Felt good though. I enjoyed the meal and was completely satisfied when I was done. Good start!
Workout: Insanity Max Interval Circuit. An hour of killer moves. Its nice that the workouts have changed in the past week, I was getting bored of the other ones and they were just becoming habit-found myself going through the motions with little thought. Shaun T might just know what he's doing after all!
PWM: Heated up some leftover pesto spaghetti squash with red peppers and some chicken sausage. Added another sausage to it to make sure I was getting enough protein.
Lunch: Babysitting the screaming baby today so brought a bunch of stuff to make a salad. Taco seasoned chicken, mixed greens, broccoli, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, and some homemade guac, cilantro and lime. Added a side of fresh grapefruit. Yum!
Dinner: I was starving! I waited too long to eat anything but I am trying really hard to not snack. I made a 3 egg scramble with broccoli, mushrooms and red peppers, topped with half an avocado. A side of sweet pot thins and garlic balsamic kale chips. I tried so hard to eat slowly. It's just boring when you're sitting all by yourself looking out the window. I managed to take about 13 minutes to eat. And, by the time I got up to work on dishes, I was feeling full. Mission accomplished!
I had a massive headache today. Not sure if it's from the sugar detox that is going on in my body right now, or maybe because I ate far less than I have been and it was a hunger headache, or if I just had a headache for non food-related reasons. Other than that, I was just really tired all day. But I think thats because I haven't been getting much sleep. Goal is to be in bed by 10 tonight. Such a crazy Friday night...
I'm feeling good about Round 2 so far!
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