Sunday, May 12, 2013

R2 Day 3

Sundays are always hard days for me eating wise.  I'm up and going for church, have babysitting in the afternoon...just pretty much hungry all day.  We'll see how it goes.

Breakfast: A hodgepodge meal of leftover pancakes from yesterday, topped with banana and my pecan/coconut mixture.  Sliced cucumbers and two hard boiled eggs.  I needed something quick because I was running late due to my decision to straighten the hair this am.  I was flat-ironing and eating simultaneously.

Pre-Workout Meal: Not feeling great today-still fighting the cold or whatever it is I have.  Doing the Max Recovery video but need some food beforehand.  Some sliced chicken sausage with a little spinach should do the trick.

Workout: Ok, I gave it my best shot, I really did.  I made it 15 minutes before I realized it just wasn't going to happen.  I decided to make nice with my foam roller and stretch/roll instead.  Made it about 10 minutes doing that when I got a text asking if I was available to FaceTime with my Arkansas boys and you can bet your life I wasn't going to turn that down!

Lunch: Well, this was going to be my PWM but since I never worked out, I'll make it my lunch instead.  A bit of sweet potato hash topped with 2 eggs.  Then, a nap!

Snacking: I took an amazing nap, feeling some better now.  Then made a giant batch of sweet potato hash and a massive frittata for the week.  Headed off to babysit-aplooza and I'm hungry.  Going to have some carrot lemonade and kale chips I made while I was getting ready to leave.

Dinner: Salmon (garlic and dill from Whole Foods) over a salad of mixed greens, peppers, onion, cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes and half an avocado.  With a side of sweet potato thins.  Yum.

I've been asked a few times about the smoothie thing.  Are they bad for you?  Why am I limiting them? What's the deal.  Well, here it is:

Its easier to consume liquids than solids.  You can drink a blender full of fruits and veggies but you'd never be able to eat all that produce in its whole form.

Your body doesn't respond to liquid calories in the same way it does to solid calories.  Basically, you can drink an entire smoothie but you won't feel as satisfied or stay full as long as if you'd eaten those same fruits/veggies the good ol' fashioned chewing.  Your body doesn't send the same hormones in the same amounts when you ingest liquids as it does solids.

There is A LOT of sugar in smoothies.  Even green smoothies.  Whole30 is about eliminating our cravings and dependance on sugar.  Even natural sugars found in fruit.

No, a smoothie made with only fruits and veggies isn't bad for you.  It's just not part of the W30 plan for the  3 reasons I listed above.  I've found that I'm ok with adding a green smoothie every once in a while as long as I maintain at least a 70/30 balance of veggies to fruits and am not using it as a "snack" but as part of a meal...with protein and all.  Otherwise I'll use it for my sugar-fix every afternoon.

Legumes...why can't I eat hummus on my veggies or a little pb with my apple?  Simple.  You can.  Unless you want to follow the Whole30 in it's entirety.  You can do whatever "healthy eating" plan you want!  I'm all for that.  But just know it's no longer the Whole30.  The point of W30 is to eliminate the negative responses our bodies have from foods that they were never meant to digest.  To remove sugar and other ingredients that cause our bodies to play tricks on us by mixing up signals and over or under producing hormones.  Then, at the end, to see the changes in physical appearance, but more importantly how you feel, and if you wish to slowly introduce some of the "banned" foods to see how your body reacts.

Is hummus bad for you?  No.  Unless you have difficulty processing legumes.  Or if you over-consume and your body's signals get mixed up.

Eat hummus.  You're just no longer on the Whole30.  And guess what?  That's ok! paleo pancake secrets and the top 10 things I've learned or been surprised by during W30.

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