Well, nothing sounds good still. I don't know what the deal is. I mean, every now and again I go through this phase...I'm not super hungry and nothing sounds good so I don't really eat much. Usually lasts a few days then I go back to wanting to eat everything all the time. I'm just worried about it now since I'm trying really hard to be disciplined and stick to the W30 and Insanity workouts...hard to do such high intensity training when you aren't really eating...ugh.
Breakfast: Decided on scrambled eggs. About the only thing that didn't make me wanna gag when I looked in the fridge. Also grabbed a veggie pouch in case I get hungry before I get back home from dropping the girls and going to the chiro.
Workout: Still feeling crappy so I opted out of the workout today...deciding that just doing it because I don't want to break the routine isn't a good enough reason to do something. Especially when my body is telling me I need a rest.
Snacking: I know breakfast wasn't enough but I just can't stomach eating real food so egg salad and banana/blackberry salad it is. At least its some protein. Will work on veggies next.
Lunch: Laid out at the park for a few hours and it felt amazing. It must have made me feel better too because I'm actually hungry for food! A salad of mixed greens and spinach with peppers, onion, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado and some of the mini-meatloaves I made last month. Thawed them and popped them in a pan to heat and tossed them on top of the salad. Delicious!
Snacking: An apple and almond butter while walking the dog as the girls played at the park.
Dinner: A chicken breast with a side of sweet potatoes and green beans. Yum. Real food is good, even if you have to chew it! Maybe I'll be ready for a full day of food tomorrow!
Had a great conversation with a dear friend tonight which helped me realize that I'm such a rule-follower that sometimes I do things simply for the sake of crossing them off the list or just not breaking a rule. I can't live my life like this. I need to realize that any particular food isn't a sin, but that my attitude towards it or reaction to it is the problem. I've become so scared of not being on the W30 because I can't trust myself that I prefer to live within the rules W30 gives. Though this is healthy in terms of physical health, it's not really teaching me reliance on God or to turn to him in times of struggle-it's simply removing all struggle/temptation from my life. Where's the balance?!?!
The book I told you about the other day "Love to Eat Hate to Eat" just arrived today from Amazon and I'm really looking forward to reading it...I'll let you know how its going!
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