Thursday, May 16, 2013

R2 Day 7

Ok, I can't do this blog anymore.  I've realized that instead of working on having a healthy, God honoring relationship with food I've just boxed myself in with rules that make me feel safe but don't actually foster an environment for improving my relationship with food.

I'm not giving up on the W30.  In fact, instead of saying "I'm on round 2" I'm just going to call it...I aim to live a Whole30 lifestyle.  Indefinitely.  But that means that I can't follow it 100% of the time.  I can't be afraid to have lunch with friends because worry consumes me...did they cook that with butter?  Is there something in here I can't have?  Do I just eat before I meet up with them and get a side salad with no dressing?

I just can't live like that.  It's not healthy for me to be constantly wrought with fear, anxiety and worry over my meals.  I just can't do it.

The only way I can improve my relationship with food is if I rely on God instead of hiding behind rules.  Eventually, I'll only be doing it so I don't "break the streak" or because following the rules is where I feel safe.

So, I'm not giving up this blog completely.  I want to somehow make a hybrid of this and my other blog.  So food and exercise are just a part of life instead of being separate or simply taking over all of my life.

My goal is to have all this figured out in a few weeks but there are no guarantees.  I might post sporadically.  I might post everyday.  I might not.

I will at some point make a recipe index with all my recipes.  Be patient.

I want to thank all of you for reading, encouraging, supporting and challenging me the past month and a half.  I really, truly appreciate it.

This isn't goodbye, it's just until next time...

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