So, I woke up this morning feeling great. Successfully completed the W30 and happy with the results (I'll post more about those later) I had a plan for the day and I wasn't going to be swayed by cereal, bread or sugary treats.
Breakfast: My roomie asked what I was going to have. I thought about having cocoa krispies then I realized that was completely stupid and opted for a 2 egg scramble with chicken, zucchini and spinach. A banana and some grapes on the side. So, my first non-W30 meal was in fact completely W30 compliant!!
Workout: I told Shaun T to kiss was already approaching 80 when I was ready to workout and there was NO WAY I wasn't going for a run. I did one of my old loops from marathon training but I walked part of it. I ended up running just about 2 miles, then walking half a mile, running another 2 and finished by walking the 6 blocks home. I made sure to stretch and foam roll when I got back to the house. It felt great to run. I left my watch at home as well as my phone so I wouldn't be concerned with pace...I just went. And it was marvelous.
PWM: I knew I needed to load up...first, because bfast was a little small. Second, I just ran...definitely needed to refuel. And third, had lunch plans with Emily for mexican food and I wanted to make sure I didn't show up starving and overeat or eat things not on my plan. Had 2 scrambled eggs, bacon, broccoli and a balsamic avocado.
Lunch: Mexican food! Full of so many temptations! I didn't eat one single chip. Didn't touch the complimentary soup they put in front of me and though I had a moment of weakness, I didn't give into my desire for tacos. Instead, I got steak fajitas with no tortilla or sour cream. I simply ate the meat, veggies and guac. Oh, and Em and I shared a mango margarita. Yep, sugar induced headache about 5 minutes in...but, I'm pleased with my choices. I didn't stray from my plan at all...not even one single bite of beans, or the bread Emily had or the delicious chips that were calling my name. Success!!
Snacking: Sorry, forgot to take a pic. I had 2 clementines. And a while later an applesauce pouch.
Workout: I met Em down by the lake. We jogged a little, walked a little and I showed her a bunch of Insanity moves. Nothing strenuous, but it definitely got my heart going so I'm counting it as a workout.
Dinner: It's late to be eating but I got off work late and headed straight to babysitting and had to get the kids down before I could eat. So as I was getting them jammied and teeth brushed I ate an apple with almond butter. Then, when I could cook, I made pesto spag squash with a chicken sausage and tomatoes.
Snacking: I splurged and had too many almonds, cashews and a sprinkling of golden raisins. I love that raw nuts and no sugar added dried fruit is now my idea of a splurge. Cracks me up!
I was terrified this morning. I just don't trust myself. Looking forward to spending some time (probably not in the next week as my friend Dan is coming to town) breaking down where I don't think I really fulfilled the W30 requirements (too much fruit, snacking, meal size, etc) and outlining a new plan for my next W30 starting May 10.
I'll also share my results in the next day or two...I just need some time to sit down and get it typed up. I'm going to continue this blog for a long as I feel it's a blessing and not a burden to my progress. I know I can't go crazy because I don't want to share that with the world.
I want to thank all of you for reading and commenting, providing encouragement and support and an extra special thanks to Josh, Carley, Alison and my mom for continually checking in-either with their progress or to see how I'm doing. Accountability is exactly what I needed to get this done and I am so grateful to have such amazing people around me to give me pep-talks when I'm down or high fives when things are going smoothly.
Looking forward to sharing my results and hearing about more of yours! The ones I've heard so far are OUTSTANDING!!! Good job guys!
THAT was your day off? Now I feel terrible. I didn't even eat sugar or dairy today and i still feel awful compared to you. haha...way to go. And I've decided to do whole 30 this summer too. Way too much fast food back home