Was NOT ready for Monday when my alarm went off this morning. Made a quick glance through FB before grabbing my Bible...noticed a post by my mom that our family dentist (of over 20 years) was caught in an avalanche Saturday and was still missing. A google search brought up a few articles stating that he had been teaching 2 younger hikers some things when the three were struck by the avalanche and carried 1,200 feet. The two 30-somethings were found with non-lifetreatening injuries but Mitch Hungate (61) was nowhere to be found. The search was suspended due to weather on the mountain creating unsafe conditions for the rescue workers. Mitch swam a mile a day, is an IronMan who competed in Kona, and an experienced hiker. If anyone can make it through this alive, it's Mitch Hungate.
So...try not to be an emotional eater today, Lins...but it's gonna be hard.
Breakfast: Some of the world's finest frittata (made yesterday by your truly) covered in avocado, a side of bacon, strawberries and sliced banana. Still waking up in the night with cramps in the ol' legs so W30 is just going to have to deal with me eating a banana every single day. That's the only way I know to alleviate the issue.
Workout: It was Fit Test time. Finished two weeks of Insanity and time to see if I've improved from the first day. Here are the results (number listed is the improvement over the first time, not the total amount done) each exercise is done for 60 seconds, as fast as you can manage while maintaining proper form.
Switch Kicks: 11
Power Jacks: 3 (but a deeper squat than before)
Power Knees: 14
Power Jumps: 6
Globe Jumps: 1 (which is 4 jumps)
Suicide Jumps: 6
Jack Push-ups: 7
Low-Plank Oblique: 2
Not bad! I was worried I wouldn't improve at all! I felt really good during the test...much better than I did the first go around. Looking forward to doing it again in a few more weeks and seeing more improvement.
PWM: Struggling to focus and make healthy choices. Sliced some pepper, cucumber topped with tomato, hard boiled egg and a few nuts.
Lunch: Wanting to eat everything in sight this morning turned into emotion driven loss of appetite this afternoon. Nothing sounds good. I don't wanna eat anything. Well, that's not going to do anybody any good. Ended up making some tuna and putting it in celery, chopping into bite sized pieces and topping with a tomato piece, some sweet potato chips, roasted asparagus and the balsamic bacon avocado...think I got over the loss of appetite! Yum!
Snacking: Enjoyed a delicious kombucha this afternoon. Citrus...which is just kombucha with lemon juice...very tart which made chugging it very difficult...finally something that I can sip!
Dinner: Making the girls salmon with a topping I can't have, and tortellini I can't have with creamy pesto sauce I can't have so made myself some delicious salmon...just salt and peppered it, sprinkled with garlic powder, fresh dill and a squeeze of lemon juice. Baked at 425 for 18 or so minutes (it was a pretty thick piece) and man, was it good! Also had pesto spaghetti squash and green beans-the only part of the girls meal I could eat...
Snacking: Uh-oh...ate a little fruit as I made the girls some fruit salad. 3 strawberries, a small handful of black/raspberries and a few grapes. I think I'll live. Decided it was better than eating the cookies I wanted to munch on. It's been an emotional day and you can only show so much restraint.
It was hard to go through the grocery store today and not buy things I know I can't eat. I wanted to comfort myself while we wait to hear what's going on on the mountain. I found myself googling a lot and decided that was a bad idea so worked on my bible study reading instead. I know emotional strain is no reason to blow the eating plan, but I'm so used to turning to food for comfort, it was a struggle.
I am also struggling with not being able to weigh/measure myself this month. I wanna know if I'm making progress. My rationale is that if I'm not, I can ditch this plan and move on to something "that will work" ugh! I know this isn't something that will have a short turnaround, it's a longterm investment. I know my body is getting stronger, I have proof-even today with the fit test. I know some of my clothes are starting to loosen up a little, I know that 95% of the time now I have little/no bloating. But am I losing weight? Am I shrinking in size? I need proof! I know it's not going to happen overnight and I can't expect all my problems to be solved at the end of the 30 days, but is anything happening?

Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Seems that just as soon as I get everything figured out the 30 days will be over. I'm already pretty sure I'll be doing this again in June/July when my sister is planning on trying it out, but I'm wondering if I should just continue with it until I'm done with the 60 days of Insanity? I have a party planned and a friend coming for a week, the first weekend in May...how do I not throw all of this progress out the window? Am I going to eat like this forever? How can I go back to eating as I did before when I now know my body functions, and I feel, so much better when I eat like this...too many thoughts all at once. I'll continue to pray about it and if anyone else has a plan for the end of their W30, let me know!
Still no news on Mitch. Here is the latest I've found. Continuing to pray the weather changes and conditions are once again safe for rescuers to head up to look for him. Praying he is found alive...anything is possible with God.
So much has happened today...the tragedy in Boston at the marathon is just compounding the grief I've already been feeling. I sit here knowing that He is in control. And that is reassuring. Check out my other blog Wednesday for further thoughts on this...
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