Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 29

Well, I did not sleep well last night.  I ate a few almonds before bed last night.  And when I say a few almonds and before bed, I mean handfuls and at midnight.  So, I was wide awake at 2:30 and decided to make the most of my time and finished reading the book It Starts With Food.  Turns out they really know what they're talking about...especially the part that said something about not eating after dinner because it'll throw all your hormones out of whack and you'll be wide awake at 2am.  Yep.  That happened.

So, I was quite tired this morning when the alarm went off but armed with new information about the Whole30 and tweaks I need to make for the next two days and for the next time I decide to do this.  I'll outline all of the changes in another post.  For now, here is today:

Breakfast: Sweet potato hash with sauteed spinach topped with 2 eggs.  A side of squash, and half an avocado.  After breakfast I was still hungry so I had 2 clementines.

Workout: This is the "recovery" week for Insanity.  Shaun T took us through a balance and core recovery workout that really was quite enjoyable.  Glad I liked it as I'll be doing it for the next 5 days.

PWM: 2 egg egg-salad, some cucumbers and carrots.  Protein and veggies.  Yum.

Lunch:  2 salmon patties atop a mixed greens salad with onion, cucumbers and avocado.  A side of broccoli and red peppers.  Finishing up with monkey salad.  Yum!

Dinner: Chicken breasts that I seasoned with garlic and onion powder, salt, pepper and fresh chopped basil.  Really delicious combo.  I added oven baked rosemary sweet potatoes, roasted green beans and some yellow squash that I'd tossed in paprika, oregano, salt, pepper and garlic powder and sauteed.  Yum.  I then had a handful of strawberries and grapes while cleaning up the kitchen.

Dessert: I was at a get together and instead of the pita chips, dip, cheese and crackers and chocolate covered cherries, I ate a ton of fresh pineapple and strawberries.  Sorry, I didn't get a pic.

Well, I should have actually read the book before jumping into the Whole30.  I think I would have had a better idea about how to plan meals and how much I should actually be eating.  I'm glad though that I stuck to it and I'm looking forward to seeing results.  I am about 99.9% sure I'll be kicking off another W30 on May 15 with some slight changes from how I did it this that I've read the book I need to make a few adjustments.

Besides being super tired this morning (and for a spell this afternoon) I'm feeling really great.  I still don't think I'll see major changes to my weight and/or measurements but it's about changing my habits, patterns and becoming healthier for the right reasons.

Off to bed.  I'm wiped.

Can't believe tomorrow is our last day!!


  1. how do you make your egg salad?

  2. mayo, yellow mustard, and garlic powder. I also like to add a tiny bit of worcestershire sauce but its not W30 compliant so I've been leaving that out...instead I've added a dash of salt and pepper.
