Breakfast: A delicious meal of a few small paleo pancakes topped with fruit salad, a scramble with asparagus and onion, a small bowl of grapefruit, and a side of squash sautéed with chipotle seasoning and can't forget the side of bacon! I ditched my stand on "No veggies on weekend mornings" because I realized that it's my idea that "Linsey knows best" that got me into the terrible relationship with food in the first place. They say veggies with every meal, so dang it, I need to eat veggies at every meal. I've also decided its my own personal goal to eat veggies of at least two colors at every meal, ensuring that I'm not only eating from one color family.
Lunch: I was really hungry after church but I wasn't really sure I should eat so soon since I knew I wouldn't be getting dinner until after babysitting. But, hunger won out and I sat down to a nice plate of pesto spag squash tossed with peppers, onions and steak seasoned with garlic, parsley, oregano and thyme. A side of sweet pots and a balsamic avocado half rounded out the meal.
Snacking: My two former roommate besties came over impromptu style this afternoon and I cut up a plate of carrots and cucumber for us, as well as mixed nuts. Did I eat the veggies? No. Well, maybe one or two. But did I eat the nuts? Heck yes! I probably ate double what's in this photos. Seriously, what's my problem? I should have snacked on the veggies if I was going to eat anything at all. Ugh. Snacking strikes again. Boo.
Bevvie: Forgot to snap a pic but I had a "Cosmic Cranberry" kombucha while I babysat this evening. Then I remembered that I'm not drinking them anymore because they've been upsetting my tummy.
Dinner: When I got home nothing sounded good to eat because my tummy feels funky. I just want some cheese or cereal or bread of some sort to soothe my stomach. I almost made paleo pancakes but knew that was a bad choice because I would just be filling that "need for carbs" craving and that's a dangerous path to get on. I walked from the fridge to pantry and back about 20 times before I realized that I just must not be that hungry if nothing sounds good. And debated whether I should eat something I didn't want just because I know I need to eat something or wait until I actually get hungry to find something to eat. I opted with the, wait until you're hungry approach instead of force feeding myself when I'm just not wanting to eat.
Don't know if that's the right choice or not, but that's what I'm doing. I'll update with dinner when I eat it.
Dinner: Ended up being the only things that sounded good...two scrambled eggs, two pieces of bacon, some carrots and cucumbers. Not ideal but it'll do.
Well, I'm shocked that this W30 adventure will be over in 2 more days. I'm nervous and excited all at once. I want to see how much (if any) improvements have been made but I'm also scared that I'll be disappointed if I haven't lost inches or lbs. I know physical appearance is just a "side benefit" of why I'm really doing this--to improve my relationship with food, removing it as an idol in my life and working on becoming spiritually healthy in this area of my life. Relying on God to satisfy me and not running to food with all my problems/emotions.
But...we all know that it's easier to measure physical appearance than anything's reflected in inches and lbs. That's black and white--am I growing or shrinking. Its much harder to measure spiritual growth.

I also need to remember that I don't have a ton to lose. That the stories of people losing 10, 20, 30lbs on the Whole30 are from people who actually have the weight to lose. I couldn't lose 30lbs without being admitted to a hospital. I need to be realistic. The less you have to lose, the harder it is to drop the weight because each pound is a higher percentage of your body weight.
And, I need to remember that I'm not doing this to look good. I'm doing this to be healthy. And I know that I'm making much progress in that area...after all, I didn't have paleo pancakes for dinner when I wanted to binge on carbs. I know I have a long way to go though, so that's my motivation for doing another continue to break my bad habits (snacking, over consuming fruit, sugar cravings) and to reinforce the good habits I've picked up like eating so many tasty veggies and not relying on carbs and dairy to fill me up.
What healthy habits have you picked up and which unhealthy habits have you ditched?
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