I slept in all the way to 6:35 today and when I couldn't make myself go back to sleep I cleaned the bathroom then once my roomies were awake I got my workout in. Was glad to have one of the roomies join me...always makes the time go so much quicker when you have someone else to suffer through it with you! Did I eat anything before my workout? No. Should I have? Yes.
Workout: Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I really like this video but I tell you what, my body was feeling it today. Complete muscle fatigue. Still managed to get through the video and felt great by the end.
Breakfast: A little of this, a little of that...gotta get some stuff cleaned out so I can make way for groceries. A few small paleo pancakes left over from yesterday, topped with berries and pecan/coconut. A few sweet potato slices, some asparagus and a scramble with spinach and onions. Filling and delicious.
Snacking: Ran a bunch of errands with Hannah and was starving by the time we got to Trader Joes and knew I'd be susceptible to binging later if I didn't get something in me ASAP. A banana was what I had handy so a banana it was.
Lunch: A little pesto spaghetti squash with chicken sausage and sautéed red peppers, topped with tomato, a side of red peppers and cucumber. Could definitely have used a little more protein in this meal.
Pre-Dinner: Went shopping with Em and we were both hangry by the time we left the dressing room so we stopped at a nearby joint and dined on the patio...it was very lovely. I mean seriously, the weather was AMAZING today. I had a cheeseburger...minus the cheese, bun, mayo and pickles. With a side of grilled asparagus. Yep, the waitress couldn't even handle me. It was a super delicious burger though. Emily had a Chicken Dip. Like a french dip but with rotisserie chicken, arugula, tomatoes, red onion and jack cheese, and a lovely chicken au jus to dip. It looked amazing...especially the roll it was on...oh, carbs, how I miss you!
Dinner: After a little more shopping, I came home and was pretty hungry. Had tuna and cucumbers in some celery, also some to dip carrots and peppers in. A balsamic avocado half and a bunch of kale chips. I followed the same basic recipe as last time but added a little more balsamic and some garlic powder. They were incredible! Yum!
I definitely needed to eat something before the workout. Maybe a scrambled egg or something. And maybe have a snack after the workout and a bigger breakfast a little later. I'm not usually that hungry immediately after a workout but because I know I need to eat, I do anyway. I think I was hungry early for "Pre-Dinner" because I didn't get enough calories up front today.
I'm really excited about weighing and measuring myself on Tuesday. I know I still have work to be done but I want to see how much improvement was made the past (what will be) 30 days.
I've read a bunch more of the book and I have to admit, I'm really looking forward to finishing it and starting another W30 armed with ALL the information this time. I'm still praying about it and coming up with a plan I think will be successful but as of now, I think I'll start round 2 on May 15 and carry it out to June 15. I'll outline any changes I'm making to my diet/exercise before round 2 starts...I'm still compiling info.
Goals for the next few days:
More sleep
More prayer time dedicated solely to my relationship with food
Fruit at Bfast, no other time
More water consumption. I've definitely been slacking on the water intake.
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