Day 17! That's more than halfway! Here we go!
Breakfast: A good start to the day. A 3 egg scramble with kale and fajita seasoned chicken topped with avocado. Plus some cucumbers and sliced banana and berries. No leg cramps last night but I'm not giving up my banana yet!
Workout: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs...killer. Still doing the best I can with the abs segment-I tried doing 4 or 5 reps of something then taking a break for the next 4 reps before jumping back in. Some exercises this worked really well, some were still putting too much strain on my back and I wasn't even able to do 4 or 5 in a row. I'll just keep working on it.
PWM: Just a handful of nuts. Not very hungry and though I know I should eat more I don't know what to eat. I'm in a out...
Lunch: Oh gosh, here we go...sliding down that slippery slope...I was craving sweet, carbs, anything not protein and veggies. I ended up with a large batch of paleo pancakes and a heaping mound of fruit salad topped with toasted nuts/coconut. A small side of veggies: broccoli, squash and mushrooms. Yeah, I can see that I basically switched the portions of fruit and veggies...I'm really struggling with eliminating fruit. I LOVE it! I also made some bacon but it wasn't ready when everything else was, so I ate it separate a few minutes later.
Snacking: A few apple slices and a kombucha in the afternoon...the mood continues and I know it's being perpetuated by my poor eating. If I'd eaten more protein instead of a large quantity of fruit I'm sure I'd be feeling a lot better right about now...ugh, when will I learn?!
Dinner: Gotta get back on track. 3 mini meatloaves (they are seriously jam packed with veggies, recipe here) with a TON of asparagus and some rosemary sweet potatoes. Delicious and more along the lines of what/how much I should be eating. I fear I'm still shy on protein. But, whatever. This is what I ate. I'm heading to babysit tonight so I'll take some tea and my water bottle...Whole30 dessert is lame!
My right leg is still really bothering me. It feels some better than it did yesterday but I'm really looking forward to the recovery video tomorrow and hopefully getting it stretched out.
I spent a lot of time in the kitchen today. I made this beef stew for the girls and my dinner tomorrow night as well as the mini-meatloaves I mentioned before. I'm really enjoying all this cooking and I'm surprised how easy it all really is.
So, today's eating. I have to remember that just because foods like fruit and nuts are permissible, it doesn't make them great choices all the time. W30 limits fruit for a reason. Same with nuts. Yes, they are better choices than eating a bowl of ice cream or a box of cereal, but I need to keep the focus on eating properly. Protein and veggies.
Reminds me of the verses in 1 Corinthians
"Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.
"Everything is permissible"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"--but not everything is constructive.
Sure, fruit and nuts are permitted, but that doesn't make them the best choice.

Tomorrow is a busy day but I must spend time in prayer refocusing. I'm doing this to eliminate food as an idol in my life and give back to God what is His-priority in my life.
so went to jewel. could not find the kombucha anywhere. but every time you post a picture of it my mouth is watering. i am so sick of just water with lemons and carrot juice haha