It's no secret that I have a HUGE appetite. I can out eat pretty much any girl and most guys. It was really bad in college when my guy friends and I would order the "Grande Meal" from Taco Bell...anyone remembering that with me? We'd stuff our faces with burritos, soft tacos, mexican pizza and nachos then watch a movie. The guys would always be amazed at how much I could put away...more than some of them. Through the years I've tried to shrink my appetite but it's never worked. I hate feeling hungry. I've actually been really surprised how full I am since starting W30...I think it's because I was never eating enough healthy fats or protein before. My diet was loaded with very little veggies, a decent amount of carbs and non-fat dairy. Ugh...glad I've finally changed that! Still working on the snacking thing. What if I just cut out snacks al together? Would I die? No. Would I kill someone? Maybe. Hmmm...I'll keep working on that. I also ran across this article about why we might be eating more, it's worth a read...check it out.
Breakfast: Frittata from the freezer. Man, it's really nice having stuff ready, all I have to do if pull it from the freezer at the beginning of the week and reheat when I'm ready. I'll need to make more frittata this weekend I think. This is still the bacon, squash, sweet potato one from a few weeks back, topped with guac and tomatoes. Paired with bacon (yum!!) and grapefruit. My girls have cinnamon rolls and bacon every Tuesday morning. I don't even crave the cinnamon rolls anymore, I think it's because I'm still eating bacon and that, my friends, doesn't feel like being deprived at all.
Workout: Oh, Shaun T (for those of you, like my mother, who have been wondering if I got a new boyfriend and forgot to mention it...Shaun T is the guy who leads the Insanity videos. Sorry to disappoint!) you kill me, you really do! Pure Cardio's by FAR the hardest video. Non-stop cardio for forever. Ok, maybe not forever, but it sure feels like it. Glad my landlord got the bathroom put back together (and I gave it a thorough cleaning) so I can take a quick shower before eating and heading out...Costco, then my hair appt...better take a snack.
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It was incredibly delicious. Man, who knew that "beetbox berry" was going to rock my world. Delightful! And, might I those of you who care. |
Snacking: Lunch (and breakfast, and PWM ) was really light on veggies so I finished up the green smoothie I made yesterday and packed a fruit/nut bar and mango salad for the road.
I also ended up drinking a kombucha in the car...and some grapes...
Dinner: YUM!!! Pesto spaghetti squash with chicken sausage (2 garlic artichoke ones to be exact) and fresh tomatoes. A side of broccoli and ZERO bread that was making eyes at me from across the table...
I know I'm not supposed to be snacking. My sister read the Whole30 book and told me they are against smoothies and the fruit/nut bars I've been eating. Oh crap! First, smoothies are drinking your calories...they aren't a fan of that. And the fruit nut bars are just a "better" replacement item for a sugary treat...something they want you to get away from. more fruit/nut bars for me. No more tricking myself into thinking I'm being healthy when really I'm just snacking to be snacking and I'm not working on breaking the habits that have gotten me into this mess in the first place.
Other than that. Today was great. snacking. Cold turkey. Done. We'll see how it goes.
As much as I wanted that bread and knew it would taste good and feel delicious in my mouth (I'm really big on texture and I eat certain things just because of how they feel when I chew them...I know, I'm weird) I still wasn't tempted to reach over and grab a piece. It wasn't hard to resist. It wasn't true temptation. Which feels really great.
The whole spending more time in prayer thing isn't happening. I mean, not like I'd like it to. Ideally, I'd be journaling every day-morning and night. That's when I feel most connected to God. I feel I have too much on my plate and am trying to figure out what I can remove and what needs to stay. Trouble is, I haven't had time to sit down and pray about it. Ugh!! The cycle continues!
Entering double digits tomorrow and that feels amazing! Day 10 here I come!
once i said no to that JSB dessert, the temptation has gone way down. why would i cheat on something else, when i didnt cheat on the most amazing thing to come across my place in 10 days??